Equipment and contact



07:00h – 15:00h



Management - Alex Hernández

From management we supervise that each and every one of the departments work correctly, a quick and useful attention, an impeccable service and a perfect finish of its facilities. Everything must be in its place because for us the customer comes first.

Commercial - Abel

Our sales representative is in charge of making the visits and passing the offer according to the needs of each client, carrying out the study and the commercial post-sale of the installation.

Engineer - Jordi

Our engineering department is in charge of the entire design and sizing process, in order to guarantee maximum efficiency, quality and savings in all our projects. Also, to legalize our facilities and manage all the existing aids for all our projects.

Administration - Sandra Perez

The administration department is in charge of all the customer service function, sending quotes, acceptance of them, appointments with customers, invoicing, all the function so that customers have the attention they deserve.

After Sales Service - Joan

Our technical service and after-sales department is in charge of all the incidents that may occur, revision of the installations, maintenance and after-sales services.


We have a workshop where we customize the STRUCTURES for each installation, we customize the needs of our customers.


We have more than 15 professional and qualified installers, with all the training and courses needed for a good installation and for the safety of all of them.

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