Collective self-consumption at El Altet
This installation is prepared up to 150kw in panels, currently they have installed 50kw but the intention of this community of neighbors is to expand and become 100% self-sustainable. The work done on the roof is exceptional, we manufactured galvanized steel pergolas for the placement of the modules, this way no space is lost on the roof and an improvement in terms of air conditioning of the building is obtained.
67kw in la Pobla del Duc
This photovoltaic installation for sale to the grid has been one of the pioneers in being legalized in the modality of shared self-consumption. Our client has a low electricity consumption and the solar production supplies 100% of its needs. The surpluses produced in the plant are sold to other surrounding industries to obtain a higher profit since the electricity companies currently pay very little per kw.
Industry in Denia
Els Poblets Municipal Pavilion
This installation has 298 solar panels of 600w of the manufacturer AIKO SOLAR, the technology of the photovoltaic cell is N-TYPE, this plate is of the highest quality and its performance is spectacular, its operation in shadows and on cloudy days increases the efficiency of the system and produces much more energy than other ordinary solar panels. Thanks to this system connected to the grid and managed by our company, Els Poblets will have the capacity to generate electric energy and compensate in all its public buildings to lower its electricity bills and favor the neighbors with a better local economy that will surely be well invested in the municipality itself.
Police Department and ajuntament els Poblets
This installation is divided in two roofs of different buildings, the connection between the two photovoltaic plants is perfect and its operation is very versatile, the electrical use of the two buildings is very different, each one has its schedule and its needs, that is why the shared installation of the two plants offers common service supporting one to the other according to needs and time.
Health Center of the Poblets Town Hall
Community of irrigators of Ondara
This 180 kW installation supplies 80% of the electricity consumption of this irrigation community. Thanks to this system, the estimated savings on their electricity bill is approximately 40,000 € per year, obtaining a payback of the investment in less than 3 years and economic benefits for the next 30 years guaranteed. It only remains for us to thank you for your trust!